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Movie Rango

2023-05-14, by alamide


Ain't always spoken rightly to you, Spirit of the West,

but tonight I wanna thank you for bringing Sheriff Rango into our lives.

It's a hard life we got.

Sometimes I dont't konw how we're gonna make it,

but somehow Sheriff Rango makes me think we will.

We needed a brave man and you sent us one.

Nice to have someone to believe in again.

Thank you, Spirit of the West. Amen.

Spirit of the West:


I'm not even supposed to be here.

That's right.

You came a long way to find something that isn't out here.

Don't you see? It's not about you.

It's about them.

But I can't go back...

You don't know that you gotta choice, son.

No man can walk out on his own story.

Tags: movie
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